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My Work

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How do I provide a seamless, easy and personalized shopping experience for our users? That’s the question I always ask myself as a Designer working at Albertsons.

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Ring Reimagined

Uncovering the key frustration points for current users. The findings are validated by in-depth UX research and the proposed solutions will be delivered through prototypes.

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Coworking spaces have unique internal needs that are not necessarily the same across all types of employees. The adaptable design solution will offer a diverse but focused set of features that facilitates team collaboration, membership management, and community building.

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Shake a Paw

Find local dogs for fun walks on demand. Shake a Paw provides a platform for your dog to meet other dogs. Dogs want to play with their friends, just like us! Do your dog a favor and help your dog to make some friends!


About Me

Hi there! I’m Stephanie, a bay area based UX/UI Designer with years of experience in product design, digital marketing, branding, and product strategy. I am passionate in making people’s lives better by turning complex problems into simple and intuitive, yet beautiful interface designs. Although design and technology are constantly changing, I am always striving to stay ahead of changes by feeding my hunger to learn. When I’m not designing and eating, I like to hang out with my four legged friend, Meemo!

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Let’s chat

Interested in building something beautiful yet simple together? or get coffee?

Just drop me a message, I’d love to hear from you!